Final Year Project

My final year project is:

Dense Matrix Gauss-Jordan Inversion Auto-Optimisation on Multicore Systems (PDF)

Gauss-Jordan elimination is a technique for solving sets of linear equations and at the same time computing the inverse of a matrix. Such computations are very important for the simulation of physical systems. These simulations are widely used to create realistic effects in games.

Email me for the code at: ross AT wynner DOT eu

Numerical Recipes in C++ code can be found here.

2 Responses to Final Year Project

  1. Pingback: Wynner’s Blog » Final Year Project - Dense Matrix Gauss-Jordan Inversion Auto-Optimisation on Multicore Systems

  2. Hossein says:

    Nice job. I have a couple of questions:
    1- In reporting speedup, you did not mention how many threads you were using.
    2- Can I get a copy of your code to test on my local machine?

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